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Cookies Policy

Why we use them and how you can control them

Our website, like many other websites around the world, use cookies for a variety of purposes, including ensuring the website functions as you would expect, remembering your preferences, and gathering anonymous marketing data. Never will we collect or use cookies to track personally-identifiable data without your express permission. On this website, we are using cookies to: • Enable functionality on the site • Allow you to share pages with social networks like Facebook • Track website usage, so we can continue to improve our website for you

Granting us permission to use cookies By continuing to use this website after seeing our notice and/or reading this page you are indicating that you are happy for us to set cookies in your browser in line with this document. If you wish to use this site, but would like us not to set cookies in your browser, you can learn how to disable or remove cookies below. Please note however that doing so will impact the functionality of this site.

More about our Cookies We set our own (first party) cookies to achieve the following: • Make our product listings and filters work • Determining if you are logged in or not • Remember your filter settings • Remembering if you have been informed of our cookie policy • To stop us setting these cookies, you will need to set up your browser to reject all cookies (see below).

Third party functions Our site may from time to time include functionality provided by other websites, such as YouTube videos, or images located on 3rd party servers. These 3rd parties may set cookies that we have no control over. If you do not wish to accept third party cookies, this can be done by following the instructions provided below, however disabling these cookies may break the functions offered by these third parties

Anonymous Visitor Statistics Cookies We use the services provided by Google Analytics to track visitors and build up a picture of how visitors use our website, where they have come from, the pages they visit etc. In order to do this, Google analytics will set up to three cookies on your browser. No personally identifiable information is stored, and all the data we receive is anonymous.

Turning Cookies Off In all modern browsers you may elect to reject cookies, and we provide instructions on how to do this below. Please note however that by doing so parts of our website may no longer function as expected. If your concerns are based around ‘3rd party’ cookies, then we recommend you just reject those cookies, rather than all cookies so that we can still provide you with the functionality you expect.

If you do wish to stop your browser from accepting cookies, see the following pages:

Mozilla Firefox: http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences

Google Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=95647&p=cpn_cookies

Internet Explorer: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-vista/block-or-allow-cookies

Safari: http://support.apple.com/kb/PH5042